Faces from my first year. I have no memories or reveries of any of this, but what is shown here was no doubt part of the formative maelstrom of looks and interactions that gave birth to me: as I was, am, and will be. This film is the total collection of glances and faces that were captured on home video from the day of my birth on 19th February 1994, until my first birthday on 19th February 1995. Present in every frame is my face, and the face of another. Some faces I saw only a few times. Other faces I saw everyday, and others I saw less, but can picture just as clearly. Naturally, this means that hours of video have been cut: frames and seconds and minutes of beauty where my face is obscured, or where mine is the only face onscreen. There is, too, an absence of dozens of others whose faces shared close space with mine in that first year.