Lasse Nielsens The Short Films Collection1Lek and the Waterboy 2010 8m 27s httpswwwimdbcomtitlett181719914yearold Lek works in his mothers shop While his best friend flirts with a new girlfriend Lek has decidedly different fantasies2Happy Birthday 2013 23m 53s httpswwwimdbcomtitlett2662496Life can be frustrating for a 14yearold boy in Denmark where the age of consent is 153Three Summer Days 2014 8m 27sA young Thai man looks forward to getting tattooed as a religious and sexual rite of passage4The Kite 2016 13m 37s httpswwwimdbcomtitlett4243996A kite reunited two lovers after a 20year separation5The Game 2017 12m 50s httpswwwimdbcomtitlett6504024Eight teenagers gather for a game of spinthebottle with surprising results6Tim and the Fluteboy 2018 16m 4s httpswwwimdbcomtitlett7988164To come out of the closet you first have to enter