Journal dun disparu

Journal dun disparu
Without knowing why he has come back here to this place in a foreign country Ulysse still a young man withdraws to a solitary house on the mountainside One morning he goes up to the spring that supplies water to his house On the way he discovers a clearing entirely overgrown with bramble bushes and he thinks he might have had a garden there at one time But why has this place been abandoned by humankind Circling around the clearing without being able to penetrate the tangle of briars he decides to enlist the help of an Italian from the area Together they attack the unruly impenetrable hedge But soon his Italian friend gets discouraged Alone Ulysse finally manages to make his way into the middle of the garden That same evening Ulysse hears a voice that of a young woman Shes warning him
DirectorsEmmanuel OstrovskiJoseph Rottner

Movie Details

Original Language:French