Set in the majestic rice terraces HawAng English title Before Harvest is an indie film advocating childrens right to quality education empowerment of women and welfare of our indigenous countrymen It tells the story of Sister Adel a lighthearted young nun who goes to a farming village in Ifugao to teach catechism and eventually build a schoolhouse As she breaks the traditions of the tribe she makes a big difference in the little lives of its people especially that of Dacmay a sevenyearold rowdy girl in search of her lost mothers love At the same time Sister Adel finally discovers her real mission in life This is a poignant story of friendship and love that transcends age culture and belief A tale that is at times comic and inevitably tragic this is a film about being a woman and more importantly being human It all begins at the time of preparing rice paddies for planting in that season of hopes and dreams called hawang