Theyre cute theyre happy theyre cuddly they love life and they die in the most gruesome ways every single episode Meet Cuddles the rabbit Flakey the dandruffridden porcupine Sniffles the brainy anteater Lumpy the moose Toothy the beaver Giggles the Chipmunk Handy the handless carpenter beaver Petunia the sweetsmelling skunk Nutty the glasseyed sweetsloving squirrel Splendid the flying supersquirrel Russell the pirate the everdancing Disco Bear Flippy the war veteran bear with constant flashbacks Pop the pipesmoking father bear and his cub Cub Lifty the kleptomaic raccoon Shifty his partner in crime and of course the Mole also blind as one Together they experience life at its worst in their cute little world And they teach us all a lesson of what can go wrong no matter how cute you are or how hard you try