Films not Bombs: Soup, Stickers and Solidarity

Films not Bombs: Soup, Stickers and Solidarity
NR 11 min
"""Literally no bombs. We do have a lot of food though."" Films not Bombs is a collaborative community film about Glasgow's Food Not Bombs chapter in Govanhill. It tells the story of how they come together each week to deliver on their mission: protesting against war and capitalism by making delicious free food for anyone that fancies it. When things seem to be crumbling apart, Food Not Bombs gives a taste of what could be - a demonstration of how much can be done [and how many people can be fed!] when people are centred instead of profits. This film came about as a result of a course [led by University of Glasgow in partnership with GMAC] in community and collaborative practice. Léo, Rosie, Kat and Morgan are all part of Glasgow’s queer community and for 3 of them, this will be their first ever film."

Movie Details

Original Language:English