Fifis Snowy Fun It has snowed in Flowertot Garden and all the tots are having fun except Primrose who is worried shell get dirty Can the other tots convince her to play with them Flowertots Go Nuts Strange objects have appeared in the garden after a storm overnight The tots ask Webby what they are Webby explains that they are nuts and they can use them to make soap Bumble Gets A Makeover Bumbles hive is looking rather tired but he hasnt got time to repaint it Primrose steps in to help but will Bumble appreciate her hard work and intricate design Fiddlesticks Fifi Bumble goes to get Fifi a new spade but doesnt come back Fifi starts to worry and the other tots complain of a strange sound coming from the footpath Pip the Gardener Pip wants to be a gardener just like Fifi but does not realise how much hard work it is Fifi and Bumble help Pip grow his very own crop of cress but will he share it with the others after all his labours