The Austrian Kreisky government enforced a policy of full employment it was not allowed to set foot on the lawn in Viennas Burggarten the city and the minds of the people are grey In a nutshell es is zum Scheissn The Kronen Zeitung speaks the mind of the philistine bourgeoisie and tells about drug abuse duck murders and sex orgies the city government reluctantly provides a youth center only to evict it subsequently a former Nazi becomes president and Vienna is burning because of the Opera Ball demonstrations Punk in Vienna was not different than punk anywhere else And yet it was Scheiss Kieberei instead of ACAB Dead Nittels instead of California über alles Nazis raus by Extrem on the same compilation as Were gonna fight by 7 Seconds And anyway the band names Chuzpe Schund Pöbel The outcast kids of Helmut Qualtinger tell their own story