Encore II Radioactive is a short film study inspired by a character from the writings of Octavia Butler an African American science fiction writer best known for her recurring exploration of genetic manipulation contamination and hybridity and David Bowies Starman The film redigitises footage shot in Iceland and northern Sweden from Juliens film True North a work based on the story of AfricanAmerican explorer Matthew Henson one of the key members of Robert E Pearys 1909 Arctic expedition and arguably the first individual to reach the North Pole In Encore II Radioactive the protagonist is recast as a cyborg played by Vanessa Myrie Using super8 footage from Juliens earlier video experiments which were shot in 1980 whilst he was studying at St Martins School of Art the film manipulates the Icelandic landscape and its surroundings imbuing them with a visual and sonic electronic aura that dislocates the setting from a specific time and place