Irene, a young television host, is in the hospital awaiting cosmetic breast surgery. When the surgery begins, she has a vision of her mother, from whom she has been influenced in all the important choices in her life. Memories of her mother's recent death surface. After a while her friend Nora, along with her husband Jean, pick her up to accompany her to the club where her brother is rehearsing for his shows as a drag queen, stage name Vivian. Irene has to tell her brother about the death of her mother, with whom Vivian had long severed all relations, determined to follow her lifestyle without interference. While Vivian is on stage, Irene sits in the front row and gives her brother an inkling of her grief, later confirmed by the gesture of bringing him the music box that belonged to her mother into the dressing room. That same evening Irene is to record her TV show, Nora and Vivian accompany her.