Doodlebops Get Up And Groove With The Doodlebops

Doodlebops Get Up And Groove With The Doodlebops (2007)Stream and Watch Online


Fancy watching 'Doodlebops Get Up And Groove With The Doodlebops' on your TV, phone, or tablet? Tracking down a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the -directed movie via subscription can be a huge pain, so we here at Moviefone want to do the heavy lifting.

We've listed a number of streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription choices - along with the availability of 'Doodlebops Get Up And Groove With The Doodlebops' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into all the details of how you can watch 'Doodlebops Get Up And Groove With The Doodlebops' right now, here are some finer points about the family flick.

Released April 24th, 2007, 'Doodlebops Get Up And Groove With The Doodlebops' stars Chad McNamara, Jonathan Wexler, Lisa Lennox The NR movie has a runtime of about , and received a user score of 100 (out of 100) on TMDb, which put together reviews from 1 knowledgeable users.

You probably already know what the movie's about, but just in case... Here's the plot: "Deedee Rooney and Moe have got the step to get you moving and the music to keep you grooving all day long in these four fantastic episodes And amidst the fun theres always a positive message kids can put into action Dont miss this incredible chance to get up and groove with the Doodlebops Episodes include Fast And Slow Moe When Rooneys slow motion machine zaps Moe the Doodlebops need to find a way to fastforward him to his normal speed Step By Step Deedees in a big hurry to learn the latest dance steps but sometimes too fast loses the race Rooney and Moe help her find the right speed for learning the groove Flat Sitis When Rooney stops exercising he gets a bad case of flatsitis Learn how important exercise is when Rooneys lack of healthy movement turns him into a cardboard cutout The Bad Day Some days everything just turns out bad ever for super stars like the Doodlebops Learn their secret for making everything OK" .

'Doodlebops Get Up And Groove With The Doodlebops' Release Dates

Watch in Movie Theaters on April 24th, 2007