DisinfoCon contains an amazing 4 hours of footage from The Disinformation Companys massive counterculture event in New York Citys Hammerstein Ballroom New York hadnt seen anything like this since the Nova Convention in 1978 which saw Frank Zappa Patti Smith and others anoint William Burroughs as king of the counterculture A quarter century later Disinformations keynote speakers Richard Metzger and Douglas Rushkoff ushered in a dizzying daylong array of performances ranging from swordswallowing to sanskrit chanting interspersed with lectures and conversations with counterculture luminaries like Mondo 2000 founder RU Sirius industrial music progenitor Genesis POrridge Grant Morrison Robert Anton Wilson theorists performance artists and others from the extremes of popular culture Nothing beats actually experiencing an event like this in the flesh but this DVD comes pretty close to capturing the spirit of the counterculture as we lurch into the 21st century