
NR 12 min
Locked from inside his room 20yearold closeted gay Chris spends secretly embodies his drag persona Tina As he proceeds with his pursuit alone the brute makeover was disrupted by the arrival of his masculine family members Distraught with everything placed in his body Chris rushes to take it all off with fear of being seen As he struggles and fails to take the drag paraphernalia off his body his father catches him from the outside of his sons room Embarrassed of having his own sexuality exposed Chris was filled with fear to join his family But as he pushes himself against his will his own drag persona Tina intervened Shocked Chris had to lock her from coming his way However he was later followed by Tina making him petrified in front of his family Leaving him no choice Chris storms away to vent out his fear As things go wrong he makes a decision that made him painfully satisfied

Movie Details

Original Language:Tagalog
Production Companies:H288 Films