Crunch Washboard Abs (1998)

Crunch Washboard Abs
Terri Walsh the director of Crunch Fitness guides you through this halfhour workout which concentrates on getting your abs strong and firm Beginning with a short warmup the video launches into three sixminute abdominal workouts each slightly more challenging than the one before The first portion is quite basic and can probably be handled by any beginner while the final workout requires a bit more stamina and stomach muscles Some particularly nice things about this program no extra equipment is necessary although you may want a towel or mat to stretch out on and you can use either the entire tape in one workout or just one of the sixminute programs working your way up slowly Terris energy and enthusiasm are contagious You may want to watch this once before attempting the actual workout from the situp position it can be difficult to follow Terris movements Jenny Brown
StarringTerri Walsh

Movie Details

On DVD & Blu-ray:November 3rd, 1998 - Buy DVD
Original Language:English