Long Synopsis In this laughoutloud satirical comedy Tripp Bailey Marc Evan Johnson Transformers is a washedup journalist who longs to be a highprofile hardhitting investigative reporter But he has a plan a plot to infiltrate and debunk Pyrasphere Hollywoods fastestgrowing newage religion Armed with only The Truth he drafts his brotherinlaw Matt Price TVs Men of a Certain Age Evan Almighty Man on the Moon a weddingbar mitzvah videographer and sets out to make his name Under the leadership of glamorous fameseeking guru Gossamyrhh Maggie Rowe Oceans Thirteen Fun With Dick and Jane the duo encounters a wildly colorful collection of cultists including his exwife Amy Stiller Tropic Thunder Zoolander The Cable Guy But is Gossamyrhhs philosophy actually genuine Can Tripp really have it all through enlightenment or is it a sham and part of a notsodivine plan