Before Loveless How Shoegaze Became Shoegaze

Before Loveless How Shoegaze Became Shoegaze
NR 33 minMusic, Documentary
Emerging in the late 80s Shoegaze would go on to be one of most essential genres of the last thirty years It was the moment where punks cacophonous noise gave way to a dreamlike modern psychedelia Groups like My Bloody Valentine Ride Lush and Slowdive would take hold of its antirock sentiment lust for reverberation and layers and layers of guitar and create some truly unique music Though soon overpowered by the more commercially viable Britpop groups the genre lives on today in a myriad different forms But how did we get to Shoegaze And how did we get to the point where My Bloody Valentines Loveless was possible This is how Shoegaze became Shoegaze

Movie Details

Original Language:English