Astron6 (2011)

5 hrDec 13th, 2011
Five friends a love of film and a suicide pact In Tolkein lore Astron6 is the day of the Elvish New Year And a New Year is upon us indeed From their first meeting at the Winnipeg Short Film Massacre the five men instantly found themselves embroiled in a deadly game of cat and mouse Rather than desroy each other the sworn enemies decided to unite and then destroy themselves once famous Astron6 is the brainchild of these five iconoclastic multimedia artiests who share a fascination with the emchanics of fear and laughter They subvert the expectations of the seasoned viewer with the nightmarish and absurd Their imagery and recurring themes are often torn from the childhood of the ironycraving internet savvy Generations X and Y That is they often lampoon genre films of the 1980s