Accidents Waiting To Happen The 12 Rods Story is a documentary made by James Francis Flynn about the seminal Minneapolis band 12 Rods 12 Rods began auspiciously in Oxford Ohio in 1992 and ended in Minneapolis in 2004 Their EP Gay 96 received a perfect rating from Pitchfork From there the band signed with V2 records and made the albums Split Personalities 98 and Separation Anxieties 00 which was produced by Todd Rundgren Accidents Waiting To Happen charts the bands history with candid interviews of band members critics fans and others involved with the band alongside neverbeforeseen archival material Inspired by Martin Scorseses The Last Waltz the film weaves 12 Rods history with footage from their January 2015 reunion show Fans of Minneapolis 90s rock scene cant miss this exciting documentary
DirectorJames Francis Flynn