As the king succeeds to the throne His Excellency Kim HanJik commits suicide after he entrusted his children to his faithful servant Lee KangHak since he is afraid of being invited to a disaster Newly charged lord of the town harbors an evil heart to SukYong Kims daughter rather he is on the edge of being killed by her He is saved by KangHak who kills her and Kims sons After that KangHak is on a streak of success and finally becomes the lord of that town One day SukYoungs ghost appears to torture KangHak while villagers are killed every day until KangHak is the only survivor On the day even KangHak is supposed to be killed His Excellency Kims ghost takes other ghosts After a while KangHak wakes up and sets up a tombstone to console them
DirectorPark Yun-gyo
WriterNa Dae-ro