A Private Act

A Private Act (2013)Stream and Watch Online


Fancy watching 'A Private Act' on your TV, phone, or tablet? Finding a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the Judyann Elder-directed movie via subscription can be a huge pain, so we here at Moviefone want to take the pressure off.

Below, you'll find a number of top-tier streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription choices - along with the availability of 'A Private Act' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into all the details of how you can watch 'A Private Act' right now, here are some details about the flick.

Released November 24th, 2013, 'A Private Act' stars Castulo Guerra, Jossara Jinaro, Jeremy Luke, Mike Genovese The movie has a runtime of about 28 min, and received a user score of (out of 100) on TMDb, which assembled reviews from experienced users.

You probably already know what the movie's about, but just in case... Here's the plot: "A young widow Senora Paloma Ruiz is perversely ambushed by Colonel Blanca the very man who orchestrated the torture of her husband during Argentinas notorious Dirty War" .

'A Private Act' Release Dates

Watch in Movie Theaters on November 24th, 2013