ANGERME Concert 2020 Kishoutenketsu Funaki Musubu Sotsugyou Special アンジュルム コンサート2020 起承転結 船木結卒業スペシャル was ANGERMEs special oneday autumn concert at Nippon Budokan where 6th generation member Funaki Musubu graduated from the group and Hello Project It was held on December 9 2020 The concert was broadcasted live on TV Asahi Channel 1 and on SKY PerfecTV OnDemand1 and was available for live viewing in 30 different cinemas across Japan and in Taiwan through Vieshow Cinemas Taipei Hsin Yi standard coronavirus prevention measures applied for all cinemas2 A DVD and Bluray footage of the concert were released on April 28 2021 The Bluray also includes Funakis special graduation TV show Funaki Musubu no ANGERME BIG LOVE making footage and a live photobooklet