Kadin Fehr Biography
Kadin Maliki Fehr (born September 10, 2004) is a Canadian filmmaker and director. In 2020 during the initial COVID-19 lockdowns, Fehr created the YouTube channel "kadinnotreal" where he began to release short comedy films. The films mostly starred Fehr and often featured his high school friends. The video "Dating A Radiohead Fan" (released July 2, 2021) garnered his channel interest and many of its subscribers.
Over the course of the summer of 2021, Fehr and the actors who had featured in kadinnotreal videos came together to create the comedy film "EVERY GAME OF AMONG US 2" (released August 31, 2021). The film connected each of the individual short films on the channel prior into a grand narrative, taking its name from the film "EVERY GAME OF AMONG US" which had been released on August 31 of the previous year.
The short films released during the production of Every Game of Among Us 2 continually teased the release of the film. In March 2023, Fehr made his debut into directing dramas with "Are You Coming To Bed?" (released March 31, 2023). The film starred high school friends who had appeared in previous kadinnotreal videos. It premiered at the Western Undergraduate Film Society's Film Festival, a festival hosted by the University of Western Ontario.