Samuel L. Jackson Is Not Happy About Nick Fury Eye Patch Mistake on New 'Spider-Man' Posters
After the triumphant box office run of "Avengers: Endgame" (which isn't over yet), Marvel fans have yet another MCU entry on the horizon next month, with the release of "Spider-Man: Far From Home." But someone in the marketing department may have been a bit tired out from that first flick's run, based on a glaring gaffe on a "Far From Home" poster that caught the eye of one of the film's stars.
In a post on Instagram, Samuel L. Jackson shared a photo of two different posters promoting "Spider-Man: Far From Home," in which his veteran Marvel character, Nick Fury, is featured prominently. At first glance, the images seem almost identical -- until you realize that Fury's signature eye patch appears on both his right and left eyes in the two different posters.
Jackson summed up his feelings with his favorite NSFW expletive, captioning the post, "Uhhhhhhh, What In The Actual F*CK IS GOING ON HERE???!!!" The actor added the helpful hashtag #lefteyemuthaf*kkah to clear up any confusion about where the patch actually belongs.
We assume Jackson's post was at least slightly in jest, since clearly, the actual film wouldn't screw up Fury's patch placement. But whoever flipped this image in Photoshop -- and whoever then approved it for release -- is no doubt going to get some playful ribbing for the foreseeable future.
"Spider-Man: Far From Home" swings into theaters on July 2. We assume the offending poster will be pulled/corrected before then.