'Game of Thrones' Season 8, Episode 3 Photos Ignites the Battle of Winterfell
Death has many faces. And they've all come a-knocking on this Sunday's "Game of Thrones."
HBO has released photos from Season 8, Episode 3 (still untitled, as is the trend in this final season), which brings the Army of the Dead to Winterfell, ready to destroy humankind.
The episode has a runtime of 82 minutes, making it the longest episode in "Game of Thrones" history. The battle was reportedly inspired by the Helm's Deep sequence in "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers," and may notch the record for the longest battle ever filmed for TV or movies.
Ready to make their last, heroic stands are Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, seen in the above image looking down at the lit-up castle and the troops arrayed to protect it.
Later, Jon is much worse for wear — disheveled and bloodied and appearing horrified by something:
Meanwhile, his sisters cousins Sansa and Arya stand on the battlements, waiting for the attack:
Later, Sansa moves to the crypts, along with Tyrion and Varys. The crypts are super SAFE, the SAFEST place in all of Winterfell, all the defenseless women and children hiding there will be totally SAFE — even though it's full of dead people and the White Walkers have the ability to turn dead people into zombie wights.
Naturally, HBO did not release any spoiler-y action shots. We only have this image of the newly-knighted Ser Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister wielding their swords and looking shocked and maybe a bit confused. The collective expression seems to be, "WTF?!"
"Game of Thrones" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.