Amanda Bynes Explained Why Watching 'Easy A' Convinced Her to Stop Acting
Amanda Bynes is ready to return to acting -- and open up about why she retired in the first place.
In a new interview with Paper magazine, the "Easy A" star revealed that she'd been struggling for a while before announcing her decision to leave acting on Twitter in 2010. Not only was she abusing drugs (marijuana and Adderall, in particular) at the time, she was unhappy with how she looked in multiple films, including "She's the Man" and "Hall Pass," a film in which her part was ultimately recast. The tipping point, however, was apparently her 2010 rom-com with Emma Stone and Penn Badgley.
Bynes went to a screening of "Easy A" and said that she "was absolutely convinced [she] needed to stop acting after seeing it."
"I literally couldn't stand my appearance in that movie and I didn't like my performance," she told Paper.
Part of the problem, she thinks now, was that she was "high on marijuana" at the time. Bynes speculated that "it affected [her] brain in a different way than it affects other people" and said that "it absolutely changed [her] perception of things." She decided to quit acting, and then posted her infamous retirement tweet.
Bynes says now that she has been sober for nearly four years now, and she's interested in getting back in front of the camera. She first discussed her plans publicly in June 2017, telling Hollyscoop's Diana Madison that she missed acting and was going to return to it. The actress told Paper that she's going to do it "with excitement and [hoping] for the best."
If all works out, she may do another movie that's as well received as "Easy A."
[via: Paper]