These Characters Have the Most Screen Time in 'Avengers: Infinity War'
WARNING: This post contains some possible minor SPOILERS for "Avengers: Infinity War." If you don't want to know anything about the film -- including which characters have the most screen time -- stop reading now.
It's not easy taking dozens of characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and inserting them all into the same feature film -- and according to "Avengers: Infinity War" co-director Joe Russo, that challenge means that some heroes are represented more than others in the flick. But fans should be pleasantly surprised by who is featured the most, Russo said, as well as how they drive the story moving forward.
In an interview with Fandango, the director acknowledged that it was difficult to cram every single hero into the flick, noting that many of them would not receive equal screen time simply because it was not possible to do so in one movie. Russo did say, however, that those who were seemingly left out of "Avengers 3" will definitely play a bigger role in "Avengers 4."
As for who's running the show in "Infinity War," though, it should come as no surprise to fans that Russo said Thanos (Josh Brolin) was far and away the central character of the film, since the villain's presence is what brings together all of the MCU's various scattered heroes in the first place. Thanos is "at turns horrifying and at turns empathetic," Russo said, with Fandango likening him to Michael B. Jordan's sympathetic "Black Panther" baddie, Killmonger.
The director also hinted that a certain God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth) makes a big splash in "Infinity War." Here's what he said when asked about who has the most screen time:
Thanos has an incredible amount of screen time in this film, in a lot of ways I would say it's his movie. ... We wanted to tell a story that [audiences] weren't expecting, and the story is told from the point of view of a villain, which I think is also really unique and risky for a commercial film that will surprise the audience. ... [A]nd I think you'll find that Thor has a really interesting arc in the film. He hasn't been at the forefront of other Avengers movies but he certainly has a very important role in this film. ... I think you'll see that Thor is at times hilarious and at times tragic in the film.
Interestingly, Russo also added a third character to the mix when talking about the "Infinity War" characters' perspectives, including none other than Zoe Saldana's "Guardians of the Galaxy" heroine.
"[The movie's] point of view is Thanos' point of view, so it's a villain driving the narrative. But ... that being said, it is at times multi-perspective and there are very important roles for a couple of the heroes," the director explained to Fandango. "I think you could argue, too, that a lot of the film is told from the point of view of Gamora, and I think she has a really fascinating arc in the movie."
We're already intrigued. Eager fans -- who have broken ticket sales and trailer viewing records -- won't have to wait much longer to see how everything plays out: "Avengers: Infinity War" hits theaters worldwide on April 27.
[via: Fandango]