Even Jennifer Lawrence's Haters Are Mad She Was Nominated for a Razzie
There's one thing Jennifer Lawrence's diehard fans and haters alike agree on: The actress doesn't deserve a Razzie.
When the mock awards show's 2018 nominations were announced this week, people were shocked to find the Oscar winner named in the worst actress category. Lawrence is up for the unwanted award for her role in "Mother!," Darren Aronofsky's controversial 2017 psychological horror film. The news quickly became a conversation topic on Twitter, with people heaping criticism on the Razzies.
Lawrence's fans and non-fans were united in their frustration with the actress getting a nod. While most of the people adding to the chorus did seem to generally appreciate Lawrence and her work, they weren't they only ones. There were also complaints from people who freely admitted that they don't like the actress or the movie but still felt the decision was ridiculous.
i absolutely hate jennifer lawrence but she was *SOOOOO* fucking good in MOTHER! and she got a damn razzie nom for that??? lmaooooooo
— ????????????????! (@mattlikesmovies) January 22, 2018
I hated MOTHER!, but J-Law wasn't deserving of a Razzie nom.
— John is, like, really smart. (@Johnem95) January 22, 2018
I'm glad there's a consensus that even though we're not fans of J Law, she didn't deserve that Razzie nomination for Mother!
— Red Hood (@unaleidy) January 22, 2018
Aronofsky deserves a Razzie--I hated mother! & saw it as a meta-misogynistic navel-gazer--but not JLaw, whose only mistake was breathing life into her older beau's delusions. I see this 'nom' as roadkill in the traffic-in-women paradigm aka swordfights. Fuck boys' clubs.
— Lisa Rosman (@rosmance) January 22, 2018
Ok, I get that some people just don't like #MotherMovie. But there is no denying that #JenniferLawrence's performance was good. So a razzie award nom isn't logical. Her PERFORMANCE wasn't bad. That being said, this is my opinion & lots of great actresses have razzie noms .
— Maarten van Die (@maartenvdie) January 22, 2018
I'm not concerned about JL not getting an razzie noms because BvS did. I'm concerned that Jennifer Lawrence got a nom. Hate that movie (and her) all you want because it disgusted you, she gave an Oscar caliber performance...
— Film Junkee (@DaveePena) January 22, 2018
Jennifer Lawrence getting a Razzie nom for mother! shows you just how stupid the Razzies are.
— Brian Duffield (@BrianDuffield) January 21, 2018
What?? Jennifer Lawrence gets a Razzie Nomination for Mother!??? that's f*cked!!! She was the best thing about it! #Razziespic.twitter.com/lWzS3NZMc4
— SajLovesFilm (@SajLovesFilm) January 22, 2018
Jennifer Lawrence just received a Razzie nomination for, arguably, her best work to date. WHAT THE HELL. #razzies#Awardspic.twitter.com/QpYzipMipu
— Nate Kovar (@NateKovar) January 22, 2018
Jennifer Lawrence got a Razzie nom for Mother!? She deserves an academy award for that performance. I'm not sure I've ever empathized with a character more than her.
— Dennis Wilson (@SnowbieWan) January 22, 2018
I get that Jennifer Lawrence movie, the mother! isn't that kind of a film that everybody loves, altough it's my favourite from last year and her performance is perfect. The Razzie is absurd. Nobody else could deliver an acting job like her. #RazzieAwards#JenniferLawrence#Awardspic.twitter.com/ouLs4CTRXr
— BalintNagy (@BalintCrawford) January 22, 2018
Nominating Jennifer Lawrence for a Razzie for "mother!" is just about one of the stupidest things to happen in the history of awards
— James Preston Poole (@JamesPPoole) January 22, 2018
I have just been informed that Jennifer Lawrence is nominated for a Razzie for mother! when it's her (imo) second best performance??? I need a minute. pic.twitter.com/LzZ8Odh8cg
— Sam Herbst (@mrsamherbst) January 22, 2018
I'm not gonna put too much stock into Jennifer Lawrence getting a Razzie nomination for mother!. They're just trying to be a button pusher. Although, it is a shame they gave it to her since it's her best work since Winter's Bone.
— Matt 'Mister Police' St.Clair (@filmguy619) January 22, 2018
A shame to see Lawrence (MOTHER!) join Dunaway (MOMMIE DEAREST) and Duvall (THE SHINING) in the Razzie Nominees Who Should've Been Oscar Nominees Club.
— Andrew Carden (@AwardsConnect) January 22, 2018
mother! has plenty of problems, but Jennifer Lawrence's performance is not one of them. A Razzie nomination reflects poorly on the awards, not her.
— Chris Schilling (@schillingc) January 22, 2018
Jennifer Lawrence is nominated for a Razzie for mother!, further proof that the Razzies are utter codswallop.
— Maxwell Haddad (@cinemaxwell) January 22, 2018
Whether or not Lawrence wins a Razzie for "Mother!," she shouldn't feel too bad. She's not the only acclaimed actress to ever land a nomination -- and, in fact, she's even not the only one this year; Emma Watson is also nominated, while past winners have included Sandra Bullock and Halle Berry. Maybe we should accept this as a rite of passage and move on.