'American Vandal' Season 2 Is Happening, and It Will Go 'Even Further'
"American Vandal" sounded like a one-note joke Netflix couldn't possibly stretch out for eight episodes ... but fans quickly got addicted, and more is on the way.
The surprisingly binge-able true crime satire follows two high school documentarians, Peter (Tyler Alvarez) and Sam (Griffin Gluck), who go to extreme lengths to figure out who drew 27 dicks on 27 teachers' cars in the school parking lot. It was unexpectedly engrossing and actually smart and insightful, not just a bunch of penis jokes. (But there were a lot of penis jokes, and they were all hilarious.)
"American Vandal" took itself just seriously enough, riding that line perfectly. So it's good to hear Season 2 is already in the works.
Co-creators Dan Perrault and Tony Yacenda have been teasing what's ahead in various interviews. Here's what they told Mashable as part of an extended Q&A:
Mashable: Is this a one and done story? Are you envisioning the show as more of an anthology format with a different crime for Season 2?
Perrault: We'd love to keep doing it. There's definitely more tropes of the true crime genre to hit. And we're lucky that this happened: Even since writing and shooting this show, more true-crime docs have popped up. Some people in certain articles have attributed certain things we did to recent documentaries like The Keepers — we didn't even know about The Keepers by the time we were shooting this. But, not only that, but Amanda Knox ... there's been a handful of docs that have come out since we've conceived this idea that we'd love to take on in another season.
Yacenda: And also, all these docs have different tones and styles and everything, different conventions that we haven't used in the first season. We drew a lot from Serial and Making a Murderer in this season, but there's so much we could do from Thin Blue Line or The Jinx, these tropes. You can't do every tone at once. You have to pick the tone and stick to it. I'm very happy with what we did with Season 1, but I'm very excited with all of the stuff that we could do, 'cause it's just such a rich genre. There's so much you could do by merging documentary and then fictional narrative.
Mashable: Would Season 2 still be a high school setting? Would you be looking at more adult crimes?
Yacenda: I don't what we're allowed to talk about, but the core conceit is probably it would be another medium-stakes crime taken to really serious ends. I mean, we could go even further with it. I'm very excited for Season 2. We know what we want to do. We just don't know what we're allowed to talk about.
LOVE the idea of going even further with a medium (or small, let's be honest) crime taken to serious ends.
The showrunners shared similar thoughts with Entertainment Weekly, and added more details:
Did you have ideas for Season 2 in mind as you worked on season 1, or have you only just started tossing them around?
Yacenda: We have a very detailed idea of what we want to do for Season 2. I think, like Dan said, we want it to feel very different than season 1 — with the same documentarians, but it will have a completely different feel.Are you saying that you'd want to keep it centered on this high school, or at least the area?
Yacenda: I think it's safe to say that Peter and Sam would make a documentary in a different high school and in a different environment, for a different crime.
So Peter and Sam would return from Season 1. But a different high school? Whatever they do, if it's given as much thought as "American Vandal," it should be fantastic.
"American Vandal" Season 1 is now available for streaming on Netflix. Here's the trailer:
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