'Once Upon a Time' Casts 'Walking Dead' Alum as ... Adult Henry?
This may be a hint on the future of "Once Upon a Time."
"The Walking Dead" alum Andrew J. West (Gareth the cannibal, memba him?) has been cast in the Season 6 finale, TVLine reports, with an option open for him to be a series regular in Season 7, if Season 7 officially happens.
TVLine described the role as a "'strong yet vulnerable' leading man in his late 20s to mid-30s, a gent who was once optimistic and hopeful but now is a friendless, cynical recluse. That said, he still possesses a dormant, deep-seated spark of hope that waits for the right person to reignite it."
Many fans think that points to adult Henry, with perhaps something happening to crush his spirit into adulthood. That could be wrong, but there was talk, as you probably heard, that if Season 7 does happen, it may "hit the reset button" to expand the story. This could be a hint in that direction, with the story perhaps following adult Henry and rekindling the magic?
TVLine also mentioned another role being cast for the Season 6 finale/potential Season 7: "A precocious 10-year-old with a 'constant twinkle of mischief in her eye.' And though this girl comes from a broken home, those struggles have only made her stronger — something which will come in handy when darkness threatens 'everything she holds dear.'" That sounds like young Emma, whom we've already met on OUAT, so maybe they'll flip the script and make Henry a "Savior" of sorts to a little girl? His little girl? Just guessing now.
"Once" Season 6 has 22 episodes and, as of this week, we are up to Episode 12, "Murder Most Foul," which airs Sunday, March 12 at 8 p.m. on ABC.
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