Eleven's Hair Rules 'Stranger Things' Season 2 First Look Cover Story
And here we thought "Stranger Things" Season 2.
The five young stars of Netflix's smash hit "Stranger Things" are on the new cover of Entertainment Weekly in a story promising "Your First Look at Season 2." Fans can probably expect more photos and details to leak in the days before the magazine hits newsstands. For now, we have this cover, and a cute little video with the stars.
It's a bit hard to read, but you shouldn't miss this cover quote from co-creator Matt Duffer: "I want people to know that Eleven is back and she's a major part of the season." Good to hear! Season 1 ended on an unsure note for Eleven, but we knew she would be back in Season 2 -- presumably still hankering for more Eggos.
Here's the cover, featuring Finn Wolfhard (Mike), Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin), Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas), Noah Schnapp (Will), and -- front and center -- Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven).
It's good to see Will Byers back in the mix, since he was gone for most of Season 1, but we know his problems are not over, even with Season 2 picking up in 1984, about a year after everything happened.
"Stranger Things" Season 2 shared its first teaser during the Super Bowl this past weekend, revealing a Halloween premiere date.
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