Jon Snow Stars in First 'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Teaser
Like Game of Thrones," the first teaser of the new season is extremely Jon Snow-centric, stirring up hope in fans that the dearly-departed protagonist is due for a resurrection after his untimely end in season five.
The brief clip features narration from Three-Eyed Raven (new cast member Max Von Sydow), who declares, "The past is already written. The ink is already dry," over imagery of Snow, who we see die all over again, his dead-eyed gaze staring up at us from a pool of his own blood.
But as has been widely hinted at by various members of the cast and crew (not to mention that poster), Jon Snow may not be definitively dead yet, a notion that's confirmed by his half-brother, Bran Stark, in another bit of narration at the teaser's end.
"They have no idea what's going to happen," Bran says ominously, easily applying that same logic to fans of the show.
Indeed. And we'll have to wait a bit longer to find out.
Season six of "Game of Thrones" is due to debut on HBO sometime in April 2016.