Emily Blunt's Boobs Vetoed the Nude Scene Planned for 'Sicario'
Emily Blunt is such an independent minded actress that even her breasts think and speak for themselves. Emily was on Howard Stern's Sirius XM radio show, and it's pretty much the law that if you go on Howard Stern you have to talk about nudity, sex, boobs, etc. Emily covered her bases when discussing a nude scene that did not make the cut of her badass new war-on-drugs movie "Sicario." It was a scene between Benicio Del Toro and herself, and she apparently rejected it. Or "they" rejected it.
As Emily put it (via People), "[A nude scene] was in there originally but it came out because we didn't agree with it." Who is this "we"? Emily replied, "My tits. [They said] 'we're not doing it.' "
Well, the tits have spoken -- and who's going to dare argue with them? Emily added that "Benicio backed me up," so he was Team Tits, or Team No Tits, as it turned out. No one should have to give a reason for shutting down a nude scene -- especially for a movie that is not exactly dependent on nude scenes -- but this at least was a funny and unique way of explaining what didn't happen.
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