The 79 Most Anticipated Movies of 2015
2015 is going to be huge, both in the sense that there are a ton of movies coming out and the fact that most of the movies coming out are explosive studio tent poles that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and come loaded with a 777's worth of big time movie stars. Just look at our list of movies -- it's nearly doubled from last year, and crammed with superheroes, sentient robots, rampaging dinosaurs, and everything in between.
A few notes about our rundown: firstly, there will be tons of movies that make their debuts at festivals throughout the year and manage to capture something that propels them into the zeitgeist (as if anyone even know what "Whiplash" was at this point last year), so it's good to keep that in mind. There are also a bunch of movies that we are ridiculously excited about that we didn't include on the list simply because they didn't have a release date (like Terrence Malick's "Knight of Cubs," Todd Haynes's "Carol," and Richard Linklater's "That's What I'm Talking About") and others that didn't even have titles (please Cameron Crowe, just title your new movie "Deep Tiki" and let's move on with our lives). Sometimes you actually need information to write about it, even speculatively.
So, with all of that in mind, please take a look at the year ahead, and the nearly 80 movies that you'll probably be in the mood to see. As always, you know where to look for movie times, interviews, reviews, and behind-the-scenes action. That's right, Moviefone.