Jigsaw John (1976)
Jigsaw John is an American crime drama television series that aired from February 2 until June 14, 1976.
Jigsaw John is an American crime drama television series that aired from February 2 until June 14, 1976.
Jigsaw is a short-lived television crime drama program, aired on the ABC network as an element of the wheel series The Men as part of its 1972-73 lineup. Universal Television produced this element; they had also produced the series which inspired The...
Jigsaw was a daytime quiz programme that aired for one series on Channel 4 in early 1987, the programme was hosted by Dickie Davies.
Jigsaw is a Children's BBC show aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 7 that combines elements of puzzle solving and entertainment, which was broadcast from 16 July 1979 until 24 May 1984. Written and directed by Clive Doig, the show was presented...