Here Are Three 'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Clips to Tantalize You
"Game of Thrones" season 6 is almost here — we can practically taste it. As the April 24 premiere date draws near, HBO has been releasing more and more footage from the new season, including a second trailer yesterday and a clip of Davos Seaworth protecting Jon Snow's corpse (sob). Now, there are three new clips to drool over and dissect.
The first features Daenerys arriving in Vaes Dothrak, the huge (and only) Dothraki city. The sheer scale of it stuns her — she's just one of thousands entering the city, which is guarded by immense statues of fighting stallions. And there's no guarantee she'll be treated well, despite her status as a former khaleesi, as one Dothraki warrior warns her, "Hey, Great Khaleesi, move your ass."In the second clip, a despondent Cersei talks to her brother/lover, Jaime, about the first time they saw a dead body — their mother. Just as she couldn't help but think morbid thoughts then, about her mother's corpse bloating and turning black, she thinks them now about their daughter, Myrcella.The third clip sees Sansa and Theon fleeing from Winterfell. As they run through the snowy forest, the barks of the dogs grow louder — until they reach an icy obstacle.
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