The New 'BFG' Trailer Takes the Kid in All of Us to Giant Country
All of us, at some point in our childhoods, hid under the covers and imagined monsters lurking outside. In the new trailer for Steven Spielberg's"The BFG," one such monster scoops little Sophie out of her bed — but it turns out he's the good kind of monster.
The full-length trailer gives us a better look at the adaptation of Roald Dahl's fantastical story. A 10-year-old Sophie (Ruby Barnhill) is whisked away by a big, friendly giant (voice of Oscar winner Mark Rylance) to Giant Country. Why her? "Because I hears your lonely heart," he rumbles.
Unfortunately, not all giants are so friendly and kind and well-meaning. Some like to feast on people, and it's up to Sophie and her BFG to save her kind from them.
Spielberg is a master of these kinda scary, coming-of-age kid stories ("E.T." anyone?), and posted a special message about the movie on Facebook:
Steven Spielberg is live from Amblin Entertainment and he has a very special announcement! #GiantsAreComing
Posted by Walt Disney Studios on Tuesday, April 5, 2016
"The BFG" opens in theaters on July 1.
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