Henry Cavill Admits Making Movies for Money, Calls Out Disrespectful Fans
Breaking news: Superman isn't always in it "for the craft." Henry Cavill is in promotion mode for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and he shared some interesting details in a couple of new interviews.
He's on the new cover of Man of the World, and here's his stand on the "fantastic" money you can make as an actor (via JustJared):
"I'm slightly wary of saying this, because it can be frowned upon, certainly by members of my community and people outside my community...but I'm not just doing this for the art. The money's fantastic and that's something which I deem—and again, it is frowned upon—very important. [...]
You've got to enjoy life! I mean, you've got to! When I'm making money I'm spending it on nice stuff, whether that be lavish holidays for me and my friends or just seeing something and going in a shop and saying, 'Yeah, I want that for the house,' and buying it. [...]
People will be calling me a cock as they're reading this, but travel's great as long as you're going first class. I mean, traveling to New Zealand in economy, it sucks. Especially if you're over six feet. But first class? I'm not going to ever pretend to be coy about that. I love it."
Well, did you call him a "cock" as you read that? Some fans think it's refreshingly honest for him to admit he's in it (at least in part) for the money, since he's probably not alone in that boat. But other fans wish he would close his mouth before he starts to sound like a superficial supervillain.
He struck a slightly different tone with the Sunday Times (via People), taking a page from Charlie Hunnam, who recently wrote an open letter to "the ladies of social media" who were cyberbullying his girlfriend. Apparently this is an epidemic for hot male celebrities. Here's his request for civility on the streets:
Cavill on the "double standard" for genders when it comes to flirtation: "I mean, if a girl shouts something like, 'Oi, love, fancy a shag?' to me as I walk past, I do sometimes wonder how she'd feel if a builder said that to her. Although, of course, I wouldn't feel physically threatened, as she might."
On fans who approach him, sometimes in front of his girlfriend, Tara King: "I've heard some things in my time, I have to say. I'd best not say what. I don't mind it – not unless I'm with my girlfriend and someone is being complimentary to me in order to disrespect her. People who don't respect other people's feelings really get my goat."
Don't get Superman's goat! It is pretty disrespectful to shout "Oi, love, fancy a shag?" at anyone, so maybe call out, "Hi, Henry" or something, if you feel compelled to shout at all. Or maybe just yell, "Congrats on all that 'fantastic' money!"
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