Leonardo DiCaprio Explains That Awkward Lady Gaga Moment at the Golden Globes
The Internet loves an awkward live reaction shot, and "American Horror Story: Hotel."
Here's what happened on her way to the stage:
The eyebrows! The moment instantly went viral, and Entertainment Tonight's Cameron Mathison asked Leo about it right after the show. "Oh lord – that's trending, huh?" Leo said. He offered a simple explanation: "I just didn't know what was passing me, that's all!"
So it wasn't anything personal to Lady Gaga, he just got caught in the same situation as a plane's aisle-seat passenger when the flight attendant walks by and kind of side-swipes your arm. The fact that it happened mid-laugh, when he was in the middle of reacting to something else, just makes it more classic. They could probably find a way to arrange the tables so it's not such a tight squeeze ... but nah. This makes it more fun.
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