Tyra Banks Confirmed to Star in 'Life-Size 2' for Disney Channel
There have been rumblings about a "Life-Size" sequel seemingly ever since the 2000 Disney Channel movie made its debut, but now, it appears that a follow-up is officially happening, with original star Tyra Banks confirmed to reprise her role.
In an interview with Variety, Banks said that she would be back as Eve, the doll that Lindsay Lohan brings to life in the original.
"There is no one else that can play Eve but me, thank you very much!" Banks winkingly told the trade. "I'm just joking with you, but yes, I am going to be Eve."
Lohan's involvement is less certain, though Variety reports that she's not currently attached to the film, and is unlikely to return. Instead, there will be a new little girl (or guy) playing alongside Banks, though the model-actress said that the development process had not reached the casting phase just yet, and Banks had "no idea who is going to be the young person that will be the owner of Eve."
But Banks will certainly have a hand in that selection, since she's also an executive producer on the project. She told Variety that right now the plan is to release "Life-Size 2" in time for the 2016 holidays, though there is no concrete plan just yet.
"One thing is it's a very precious project to the Disney Channel so they've been doing a lot of re-writes and making sure that this script is really right," the star said. "I'm really excited about it. ... I think it's going to be a blockbuster."
[via: Variety]
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