Best of Late Night TV: Ariana Grande's Musical Impressions, Jake Gyllenhaal's Cake Revenge on Amy Schumer
If you're like us and value your sleep, you probably nodded off into your Ambien dreamland before the party started on post-prime time TV. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's the best of what happened last night on late night.
Ariana Grande isn't always that great at being Ariana Grande (DonutGate) but she's pretty much perfect at being Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Celine Dion. Watch her mimic her peers in "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon's" classic Wheel of Musical Impressions game: Robert De Niro, also on "The Tonight Show," confirmed he has a project coming up with Martin Scorsese, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci, and *maybe* Harvey Keitel. The working title is "The Irishman." De Niro also did a Jimmy Fallon impression to match Jimmy's impressions of him. "The Tonight Show" also did a great GOP debate spoof, "The Debating Game" a version of "The Dating Game" with three candidates (with Fallon as Trump, obviously) trying to win over an undecided voter: Jake Gyllenhaal was on "Late Show With Stephen Colbert" and responded to Amy Schumer's cake theft. Amy, who was on Stephen's show last Friday, lived in Jake's house for a while. (Jake said everyone in Hollywood knows each other and just lives in the same house.) While in Jake's house, Amy found a frozen cake reading "Happy Birthday," so she ate it, and taped herself eating it. So Stephen enabled Jake's revenge, breaking out a similar-looking wrapped cake so Jake could eat it on air. "Hey, princess, what's going on?" Jake said, looking into the camera. Stephen also took a bite, and Jake instructed him to "bite where I bit." "The Late Show" also mixed the 2016 presidential race with "The Hunger Games" to create "The Hungry For Power Games": Josh Brolin and Seth Meyers had a "Back in My Day" chat, getting all grandpa (GILFs?) about how things were simple and better way back when ... before Starbucks started serving alcohol: John Stamos talked to Jimmy Fallon about being a GILF on his new show "Grandfathered" and -- since Stamos is a sitcom king -- they made their own sitcom openings. Love the fake set and wigs: Paul Bettany was on "Conan" and continued the "Avengers" team's beef against Jason Statham. Jason had dissed the "Avengers" for all the stunt doubles they use and Paul suggested Jason get an acting double. Over on "The Late Late Show," Pauley Perrette and Alice Cooper covered James Corden in some of Alice's makeup to give him the Alice Cooper rock star treatment:
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